Preacher: Pastor Lowery Passage: Matt.11:28-30 Service Type: SUNDAY SERVICES


Augustine Said: “In the writings of the philosophers, I find many a wonderful saying,  many a word that kindles the emotions; but in none do I find these, ‘COME UNTO ME. ‘ ” When these words are spoken from a heart full of love and compassion as Jesus was they can take away the problems from ones life. Our world is full of weariness as it was in His days also, we have the covid-19, pain weary bodies, sin weary souls grief weary spirits, Children in homes without  a mom or a dad, destructive riots and so on,  as it was in Jesus’s time then,  and as it is now,  the compassionate words “COME UNTO  ME AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST” are still powerful if we can only accept and believe in the words that He spoke.  In Matt. 11 , Jesus saw with compassion  the crowds  of people around Him,  they were weak ,  hungry,  sick,  lost and with hope. Jesus began to instruct those , even his own followers of what to do “COME UNTO ME” was his call all of us that are laboring and heavy laden were to come.

Look at our time when supposed professors of higher education are declaring that there are no absolutes. Folks God’s word is absolute with no grey areas. no doubts, and no compromise. God said in the writers of old “COME NOW LET US REASON TOGETHER” if you want to reason with Him go ahead, He will always win because he is and always will be sovereigm .

The word “COME” is used over 2000 times in the scripture. Isa. 55:3, Joh. 1:46: Isa. 1:1855:1 Joh. 7: 37-38. So as you Come unto Him he says Learn of me, take my yoke, and I will give the weary soul REST.

Beloved this is just an excerpt of the message this Sunday. I you have read this and are yearning for a better and closer walk with God and His Son Jesus I invite to plan to be with us each Sunday AM at 10 for Bible Study and at 11 for Worship.

Pray with me that our God will supply the funds through his people to purchase the equipment needed to make our WEB site live every Sunday. If you have extra tithes and would like to help Donations can be given on this web site God Bless you and enjoy the mighty presence of a living GOD.